Monday 26 April 2010

Eating Habits When it Comes to Healthy Dessert Recipes

Most people decide most of the things in life because of their habits. And if you ask me, what habit is – it is the things that you have experienced and that thing about which you are not very consciously aware most of the times. But when it comes to eating habits, the impact of habits is very subjective and depends from person to person. A person might like something for once and then might start hating it the next time or vice versa. It completely depends on the person’s attitude and mind set at that particular time.

However, the most common possibilities are – you might like a particular dish and you might not have eaten it from a long time. And after some years you taste the same dish and you may not like it. Similarly, you might have hated a vegetable for many years and suddenly after few years you taste it and you like the taste. You might not have tried eating it frequently because of the memory that was stored in your mind about the vegetable. So after tasting it and liking it you might just create a new habit that is to like the vegetable. So a habit can either sustain itself or create a new habit.

The same happens with desserts, most people like to eat desserts that are rich in sugar and calories because of their habit. When they had started eating these desserts, they would not have thought about how much calorie it contains and how bad a lot of sugar is for health, but because of this habit they tend to eat the same kind of desserts and invite diseases for themselves. Similarly in the other case a person who is familiar with healthy dessert recipes will not want to eat a normal dessert because of his habit. He might just ask before eating any desserts if it is a healthy dessert recipe or not. This is the effect of habits on eating habits. Hence to keep yourself fit and fine create a new habit of trying only healthy dessert recipes.

Food Fight

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