Sunday 18 April 2010

Can Chocolate Save Your Life? The Health Benefits of Chocolate


Chocolate. There are normally two different thoughts when considering the effects and/or feelings about Chocolate. Most likely the first thought is how good and sweet Chocolate is. Second, would be how fattening it is. Yes, everything we do has consequences, doesn’t it? But did you know that Chocolate actually has some good qualities to it, as well?

The word of the day is Flavanoid. Flavanoids, found in Chocolate, benefit the body in a few different ways, but the problem is that Flavanoids are found in straight chocolate, and the more the Chocolate is processed the more the Flavanoids are removed. As the Favanoids begin to diminish, fats and sugars are added in. Which is why Dark Chocolate is known to be healthier than Milk Chocolate. Now remember Flavanoids are still present in Chocolate. Just a very small amount compared to when the chocolate was just beginning as a cocoa bean., but you would not be a very big fan of Chocolate in its beginning fazes.

So now we know where Flavanoids are, but what exactly makes them good for us? And how do we know that they are good for us? Well, I’m going to tell you. In the 1940s, a scientific paper stated that the Kuna Indians, who had moved to the mainland from the San Blas Island of Panama, had low blood pressure. An Examination of the Island overturned some information stating that the Kuna Indian enjoyed a beverage made from minimally processed cocoa bean. And what did we say about processing and cocoa beans.

“The more processed it is, the less Flavanoids in has.” Therefore these drinks the Kuna Indians enjoyed drinking so much, were rich with Flavanoids directly causing their blood pressure to decrease.

Studies actually show that Flavanols relax blood vessels and improve blood flow to the brain by 33 percent. Flavanols also dilate blood vessels and trigger release of nitric oxide. Nitric Oxide is the same substance that is responsible for the prescribed drug, Viagra. You may begin to see women giving men chocolate on Valentine’s Day. Flavanoids not only relax blood vessels, they actually act as a blood thinner. They interfere with blood platelet activity which causes blood to coagulate. To put this into simpler terms, Flavanoids work just like a baby aspirin and help ward off heart attacks. Could you imagine the commercial? Instead of reaching for a Baer aspirin they reach for a chocolate bar.

Who knew Chocolate would have so many useful qualities. Just remember, all those fats and sugars added to Chocolate still ate not so good for you, so make sure you are careful when dieting and consuming chocolate. Other than that, try it for yourself. You too can have beautiful skin and a healthy future.

Food Fight

What foods have a protein? What are some good foods to create a body built skinny?

so wat Some foods that contain protein should I eat if I want to build my body built thin, and any other food would be good too. ohh by the way I have 16 years, going 18 years is impossible to fix? as it is difficult for the body of ur older?

The best protein foods for muscle and construction (not fat): Lean Chicken Cottage Cheese tuna steak also helps to have a 40g protein shake about 1 hour before training and another 40g protein shake immediately after exercise. (Most herbalists selling protein powder – the type of dust that is needed is "isolated protein.) You exercise, no matter how old you are. Most people actually start working after that age. I started when I was 25! Remember, construction muscle is not only of protein, though – you also need a good rest, good carbohydrates and healthy fats (like omega 3 oils fish).

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