Monday 29 March 2010

Better Baking With a Professional Approach

An old saying suggests that the key to a man’s heart is through his stomach. In other words, if you feed him well, he will be happy and content. Actually, this sentiment isn’t reserved for just men. Many people associate good feelings and emotional comfort with the presence of good food. One of the nicest way to express your affection for your family or significant other is to bake them a heartwarming treat. While it’s fairly simple to follow a recipe, you can learn how to be a top notch baker by learning the professional approach.

Buy the Best Ingredients

Any baker will tell you that the end result is only as good as what went into the project in the first place. You should pay careful attention to all your ingredients as you prepare your recipe. Flour should be fresh; baking flour is preferred, as it is lighter and more suitable for delicate baked goods. In addition, almost all professional bakers prefer unsalted butter. That little bit of extra salt can really affect the finished product, so it’s worth the trouble to use this technique. Finally, when it come to chocolate, you really want to use the best quality that you can reasonably afford. Cheap chocolate has a bitter flavor that can really throw off the final taste of your cake or cookie.

Gather Your Tools

Some people avoid baking as they feel that it is time consuming and difficult. Professional bakers are constantly busy and often multitask in the kitchen. They are able to accomplish so many projects simultaneously because they plan ahead. Before you even begin, gather all your ingredients, as well as any needed tools, such as the mixer and blender. Having everything on hand and visible can cut down on your preparation time significantly. Also, it pays to clean up as you go, in order to avoid a large mess when the baking project is completed.

Step Outside What You Know

No professional baker does anything the hard way. As a matter of necessity, they develop tricks that make their time in the kitchen more productive. You can add these simple techniques to your baking as well. For example, most home cooks manually chop nuts and chocolate with a kitchen knife. A professional chef will use the blender for these tasks, as it can handle them quickly and efficiently. Also, bread dough and egg whites are easy work for a stand mixer. If it can be done better by using a tool, take advantage of that fact. There is no sense in wasting any of your busy day to bake. Proper baking can be done quickly and still provide exceptional results in your baked goods.

Experiment Carefully

One of the most fun parts of baking for a loved one is presenting a new and delicious dessert that will knock their socks off. Professional chefs love to have unique fare on the menu. However, they would never dream of giving a dessert to a customer or client before they had thoroughly tested it out ahead of time. If you know that a special occasion is coming up, and that you would like to prepare a knock-out dessert, do your test runs ahead of time. This will ensure that you are able to work out all the quirks prior to serving. On the big day, you will be presenting a tried and true dish. While your guests may be surprised and pleased, you will be completely familiar with the process before hand.

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